The Self Actualized woman is led by the strong pull of that which she loves, She not only practices the art of being, She practices the art of becoming
– The Feminine Throne
Each of us would love to lead a life of greatness, a life filled with happiness, excitement and joy, but how. How do we as women accomplish this goal? The first step is in understanding who you are, what you love, and where your passions lie. I know people say this all the time and we make it seem so easy especially when I think about how un-self actualized many women are.
As women it’s so easy for life to get away from us. This happens so fast for many of us, and before we know it we’re looking up, and we’re nowhere near the woman we dreamed of becoming. This doesn’t foster a mental space that encourages happiness or self worth. So if the demands upon you are making you feel overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, and/or deeply concerned about the future, if your work-life balance or issues with concentrating (a issue many of us millennials face) rarely affords you quality time with yourself, your family, your interests, your hobbies, your community, and all the things you love, then it’s time to stop and refocus on what’s most important to you, then find a way back to all that you truly love. The idea is to create time for just enjoying who you are organically, while discovering new aspects of yourself that add value to your life. One way to do this is by evaluating what you’re actually doing with and for yourself every day, determining how essential it is to you, and making the necessary changes that best accommodate your needs, interests, and desires. Of course, the practical matters of life, such as finances must be carefully considered in order to allow for a balanced view, but its necessary that you figure out how to find balance between physical needs and your emotional, mental and spiritual needs. For example, figuring out if its feasible for you to cut back on your hours at work, or if you can work closer to home or even from home, or what it would take for you to change careers by maybe going back to school, or if you can split your job/career to include opportunities to not only make money but to put your interests and passions to work for you, or if you can cut or consolidate your expenses in exchange for having more hours that are not work related so that you may pursue other more important interests. These are options we have for creating a better life experience for ourselves. We must improve our lives because our own happiness influences the lives of the people around us.
Self-actualization is the process that allows us to start realizing our potential for true happiness. One way I started the journey towards becoming happy, and this happens to be one of my favorites is by projecting questions out into the universe, then thinking about them. I’ve realized over the years that when I speak out my intentions I bring life to them. I have listed some of the questions I often ask down below.
Questions for the Universe
To do this, I asked the universe some questions and I am going to share them with you.
What lights me up inside?
What do I value?
Am I showing appreciation for the things I love?
What is my legacy?
What do I want to leave behind?
How am I living my life when I am fulfilled?
Am I happy?
Do I look forward to my own future?
Am I proud of my self?
Am I growing as an individual?