We can only express ourselves to the extent in which we know ourselves.
– The Feminine Throne
We chose to talk about the importance of Self –awareness this month because in order to transform aspects of our lives we must first have conscious knowledge of our thoughts, character, feelings, motives, and desires. Naturally, most people choose to go about their day without giving the inner self any extra thought, they’re merely thinking, feeling, and acting without awareness, simply avoiding self-evaluation altogether completely unaware of its direct correlation to the discontentment with their results. Never connecting the pattern of confusion between their thoughts and behavior, which ultimately affects their emotions maybe because it’s easier or maybe they’d like to avoid accountability but I believe most people are just unaware of the mental process and its importance to their lives.
When we choose to engage in self-evaluation, aka self-awareness, we can give some thought to whether we are thinking, feeling, and acting as we “should” so that we may be in alignment with our standards and values. This is how we compare against our standards of correctness. We do this daily, using these standards as a way to judge the rightness of our thoughts and behaviors (do they make sense). When we find a discrepancy between the two, then we have a choice to make, either reduce the discrepancy or avoid the action entirely. Thereby preventing us from making mistakes that do not align with our goals for the future. Understanding how to become self-aware and consciously practicing this mental process helps us have more self-control as we evaluate and determine the many choices we make from day to day. Once this becomes second nature we can then manipulate this process for our advantage, aiding us in transforming our lives. Every decision then allows you to express yourself either through action or verbally in a way that benefits the goals you want to achieve for your life. In conclusion, self -awareness takes a lot of consistent and focused work but will lead to your desired results.
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