The year 2022 is here, and many of us are eager to set and achieve new personal goals. We all can’t wait to become better versions of ourselves, but often our New Years resolution fizzles out within the first three months, and we’re confused as to why. Ask yourself: What’s motivating my choices while setting goals? Why do I want to accomplish these goals? And, how important are these goals to who I am? If you do not know the answer then that’s most likely why you’re finding it almost impossible to stay motivated. The answer is simply to align with who you are so that you understand you’re intent, desires, and motivations. This will give the task true meaning. Before I go on, we want to take the time to emphasize the number 222 and what it means for the year 2022.
The number 222 is a very powerful number in numerology. This master number is linked to self-mastery, creativity, and new beginnings, which ties in with its representation of newness. This year’s new start brings with it the energy of becoming the truest version of you. Change is beautiful, but we put so much emphasis on changing ourselves that we forget to take the time to understand our natural state of being. We are designed for alignment with our purpose. Being out of alignment will keep you in a state of confusion, as well as heartache through out your life. When we are out of alignment with ourselves we experience a feeling of resistance towards not only ourselves but also the environment. This is because we do not know what we need, want, or desire from life, we just know we do not have it. Then we began to blame everything else within the environment, without knowing what, how, why, or if its possible for our environments to fulfill us in that way. Alignment with yourself is about making decisions and creating experiences that are in-tune with your truth, and that make you feel excited and inspired about your future. To get there you must first be clear about your purpose, and what makes you feel fulfilled. Don’t get me wrong this isn’t so black and white; despite our best efforts it can feel like there’s many factors keeping us from living in our authenticity. This can be frustrating; to say the least, but true happiness requires that we embrace who we are. Most times you’re unhappy because you’re not in alignment with who you are, not for any other reason.
The master number 222 reminds us that energy is always guiding us towards alignment with ourselves. Every aspect of who we are serves as a puzzle piece that can help us see the bigger picture of life. Puzzle pieces that will help you define who you are, your purpose, and you’re potential, but also reveal the talents and strengths you didn’t know you had.
In this sense, the number 222 is a sign of good things to come. It’s a reminder that you can always get back to who you are meant to be in this life. It’s as if the number 222 is trying to show you that you should focus on the positive aspects of who you are, expanding from there, and mastering your potential.
The spiritual meaning of 222 is self-awareness, self-realization, self- mastery, and the mastery of our environments. Do you see how this energy helps you towards perfect alignment? Take advantage of the energy that radiates from the year 2022, it will help you become more aligned in these 4 areas of your life:
· Your relationships and the love experienced within it.
· Your being and the balance within it.
· Your future and the growth within it.
· Your environment and your purpose within it
It’s very important that we understand where we align with every aspect of our lives, so that we may stay in a space that favors the growth we want to achieve this year.
Let us know what 222 means for you and how the energy has already revealed itself so far in your life this year.